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Opera plots made easy [Texto impreso] : what's really going on at the opera! / by Robert Deaver

Title:Opera plots made easy [Texto impreso] : what's really going on at the opera! / by Robert Deaver
Author:Deaver, Robert
Published/Created:New York : Deaver Corp., cop. 1984.
Physical description:70 p. ; 14 cm
Notes:En contra cubierta: Pocket dictionary of opera plots.
Subject/Form:Óperas--Historias, argumentos, etc.
Standard number:ISBN: 0-932665-00-4
Rights:Los contenidos de este registro, incluyendo textos, imágenes, sonido o cualquier otro objeto, son propiedad del Arxiu Alicia de Larrocha. Copia permitida con finalidad de estudio o investigación citando la fuente "Arxiu Alicia de Larrocha"
015I-PEMHMUS0176-0100A0.pdf (muestra)
Item type:Books
Creation record:2023-05-31 12:48:32

Cite record

Deaver, Robert. Opera plots made easy [Texto impreso] : what's really going on at the opera! / by Robert Deaver. New York : Deaver Corp., cop. 1984.. In: [Viewed: February, 24, 2025]

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