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Masters of the keyboard [Texto impreso] / by Donald Brook

Title:Masters of the keyboard [Texto impreso] / by Donald Brook
Author:Brook, Donald
Published/Created:Freeport, N.Y. : Books for Libraries Press, [1971, cop.1946]
Physical description:183 p. : il. ; 22 cm
Content notes:Part I: Great virtuosi of the past. Dr. John Bull -- J.S. Bach -- Domenico Scarlatti -- Mozart -- Moscheles -- Chopin -- Liszt -- Clara Schumann -- Anton Rubinstein -- Leschetizky -- Busoni -- Paderewski -- Rachmaninoff -- Part II: Some prominent pianists in Britain today. Harriet Cohen -- Clifford Curzon -- Mark Hambourg -- Dame Myra Hess -- Eileen Joyce -- Louis Kentner -- Moiseiwitsch -- Pouishnoff -- Solomon.
Notes:Dedicatoria manuscrita en hoja de guarda: "Oct 30, 1971 / Given with affection / for all the wonderful / hours you have given / us / William Lerner / Music Masters". Tinta negra.
Standard number:ISBN: 0-8369-8053-0
Rights:Los contenidos de este registro, incluyendo textos, imágenes, sonido o cualquier otro objeto, son propiedad del Arxiu Alicia de Larrocha. Copia permitida con finalidad de estudio o investigación citando la fuente "Arxiu Alicia de Larrocha"
Item type:Books
Creation record:2021-01-17 18:40:20

Cite record

Brook, Donald. Masters of the keyboard [Texto impreso] / by Donald Brook. Freeport, N.Y. : Books for Libraries Press, [1971, cop.1946]. In: [Viewed: March, 01, 2025]

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