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Ten études [Música notada] : for piano / by Virgil Thomson ; technical notes by E. Robert Schmitz

Title:Ten études [Música notada] : for piano / by Virgil Thomson ; technical notes by E. Robert Schmitz
Composer:Thomson, Virgil, 1896-1989
Published/Created:New York : Carl Fischer, cop. 1946
Physical description:39 p. ; 31 cm
Content notes:Reapiting tremolo (Fanfarre) ; Tenor lead (Madrigal) ; Fingered fifths (Canon) ; Fingered glissando (Aeolian harp) ; Double glissando (waltz) ; For the weakers fingers (Music-box lullaby) ; Oscillating arm (Spinning song) , Five-finger exercice (portrait of Briggs Buchanan) ; Parallel Chords (Tango) ; Ragtaime bass.
Subject/Form:Estudios (Piano) -- Partituras
Publisher no./Plate no.:Nº editor: 03430
Nº plancha: 30064-65 Fischer
Rights:Los contenidos de este registro, incluyendo textos, imágenes, sonido o cualquier otro objeto, son propiedad del Arxiu Alicia de Larrocha. Copia permitida con finalidad de estudio o investigación citando la fuente "Arxiu Alicia de Larrocha"
Item type:Scores
Creation record:2020-03-02 11:37:17

Cite record

Thomson, Virgil, 1896-1989. Ten études [Música notada] : for piano / by Virgil Thomson ; technical notes by E. Robert Schmitz. New York : Carl Fischer, cop. 1946. In: [Viewed: January, 20, 2025]